
4 Styles Other Serif

A serif font by Eben Sorkin. I cat­e­go­rize Mer­ri­weather as an “Other Serif” font, because it does not fall neatly into any of the gen­eral his­toric cat­e­gories com­monly used to describe serif type.

Mer­ri­weather grace­fully mixes-and-matches var­i­ous his­toric approaches to font design. Head ser­ifs and some ter­mi­nals feel pen-formed, while foot ser­ifs are rem­i­nis­cent of del­i­cate slab ser­ifs. It has a large x-height, and gen­er­ous aper­tures. It is extremely read­able at smaller sizes, and the bolder weights are well bal­anced and don’t get too heavy on screen. I’ve spent some time using this font this sum­mer, and it is one of my favorite fonts for web text.

Mer­ri­weather cur­rently has 4 weights avail­able via google web­fonts. Keep an eye on this font as it devel­ops! It’s read­able, beau­ti­ful, and holds up well cross browser.