Droid Serif

4 Styles Transitional (Serif)

Designed by Steve Mat­te­son, Type Direc­tor of Ascen­der Corp.

Droid Serif is a tran­si­tional font; it feels more “ide­al­ized” than “writ­ten.” It has a slightly con­densed, “square-feeling” bowl, con­trast between thick and thin strokes, a ver­ti­cal stress, and ter­mi­nals and ser­ifs that don’t look pen-formed. It has a sig­nif­i­cantly larger x-height than Georgia.

Accord­ing to Ascen­der Corp., Droid Serif “fea­tures slightly con­densed let­ter­forms to max­i­mize the amount of text dis­played on small screens. Ver­ti­cal stress, sturdy ser­ifs and open forms con­tribute to the read­abil­ity of Droid Serif while its pro­por­tion and over­all design com­ple­ment its com­pan­ion Droid Sans.”

Droid Serif comes in reg­u­lar, italic, bold, and bold italic.