Calluna Regular

8 Styles Venetian (Serif)

A font that almost made it. A Venet­ian serif font by Jos Buiv­enga (, Cal­luna has a smaller x-height than Geor­gia, and works best at a gen­er­ous font-size. Cal­luna feels like an “old” font; it has pen-formed ser­ifs and ter­mi­nals. The ris­ing cross­bar of the low­er­case e is rem­i­nis­cent of early Renais­sance (Venetian/Humanist) letterforms.

Unfor­tu­nately, the font does not hold up across browsers. On Win­dows (XP, 7, Vista) the strokes on the let­ter­forms get very light (thin). The pen-formed head ser­ifs on let­ters such as h, b, d, u, and so on become too promi­nent, and the ris­ing cross­bar on the e becomes jagged and breaks.

The over­all struc­ture, spac­ing, and sys­tem of the font is beau­ti­ful. I had to include it in my col­lec­tion any­way. If you are cre­at­ing a site pri­mar­ily for mac users, Cal­luna will serve you well.

The Cal­luna fam­ily con­sists of 8 fonts (styles, weights).